Thursday, February 7, 2008

Oh What a Night!!! The Legends

I have been missing out, much to my chagrin on the entertainment or the education or both. I understand His honor Woody Whit graced the presence of The Legends Jazz Cafe on the 6th along with David Craig and Clyde Adams. I understand the multitude of people were pleased with the jazz stylings. This is shaping up to be the spot for cutting or being cut (in the jazz vernacular)
On the 7th Lloyd Hughes band sounded good and featured Joe Carmouche on Lead guitar. There was a jelling of sorts with the sound not the motion that even got me up to Chamelion for a brief interlude of solo.
Lloyd has become outstanding with his top tones all in key both on alto and tenor saxes. There was exemplary sound on Freddie Jackson's "You sure look good tonight" The drummer was off the hook with small sticks. This man is worth the price of the ticket to see technique, and he writes tunes! Congrats go out to The Legends Jazz Cafe and to Lloyd Hughes. It was good to see Ralph Gill out.

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