Saturday, March 15, 2008

Political much too political

Even if I was crazy enough to think it, my belief system would not allow me to continue to absorb the belief and have faith in mixing politics with religion. Neither is of any permanent good for the people. The following is the reason why I lie. My web position was compromised because of my gullability and stupidity. I am recovered but not cured of my obsessions.

I apologize for being a W-Chaser, and in doing so making some politicians, pfreakers(different from preachers of the Word of God) professors and prostitutes angry. In my selfishness I have offended Jezebel after trying to hook up with her. My worldly pursuits have become scandalous

If the shoe fits then....... I will try to do better to not seek any of the aforementioned. I will pray to stay away. I will ask to become more spiritual by not seeking the attention of any of the above. I will remember that the battle is not mine but the Lord's, while I first read His book, seek to serve others who are obsessed pray and submit to His will in a daily attempt to not take in any mind altering substance or experience. This will enhance my right brain creativity as I will to remove self/sin and replace it with Spirit. With the Spirit comes love for me , my fellows and fellas and last but NOt Least the Lord God Almighty. It is only in relationship to and with Him that my 'ligion is not lost and I can do anything. (Chapter 15 John. Abide in me and I in you. Without me you can do nothing)